The Inquiry Room
How To Know if You Are Born Again
Patrick McIntyre
Chapter 1 - HISTORY - Charles Finney - The Center of the Storm
Charles Finney was born in 1792. He began preaching in 1823 and continued to preach till his death in 1875. Long before he was born, New Light Calvinists changed the salvation paradigm from "use the means of grace and go through a period of law work until God regenerates you" to "make a decision for Christ and if you are sincere, it will be evidence that God has regenerated you". These "New Light" Calvinists were called "Enthusiasts" because throughout Christian history, people that claimed special experiences of the Holy Spirit were called "Enthusiasts" (usually by established ministers threatened by salvation offered outside the organized church). Another reason they were called "enthusiasts" was they taught that regeneration did not need to be preceded by a period of "law work" because if God can change someone's nature, what need is there to change his mind beforehand? The argument was if God changes a person's nature, his mind will be changed automatically. This is a simplification of a subject that will be dealt with in detail in other chapters. The traditional Calvinists were "preparationists" who believed God prepares people for regeneration with the "means of grace" primarily available in the hearing of the gospel and applying it, church participation and sacraments.
The Preparationists taught in the tradition of the Puritans that recognized that God brings seekers through a period of self-examination and discovery called "law work". The Biblical rational for this belief is scriptures like "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith" (Gal 3:24) and "For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another" (Rom 2:14-15). Almost all recorded salvations in the Bible were preceded by a period of devotion. The 3,000 on the day of Pentecost, the House of Cornelius, the devout Jews in the synagogues, etc., all went through a period of devotion before God saved them.
The First Great Awakening, (1735-1745) caused American Calvinists to split into two camps. Those that promoted the evangelism of George Whitefied (starting in 1739) and all the signs and wonders that followed were termed "New Light" Calvinists. Those that questioned the lasting effects of the revival and emphasized church participation as the means of grace were called "Old Light" Calvinists. Jonathan Edwards, Jr. and Timothy Dwight, both relatives of Jonathan Edwards, interpreted Edwards' writings as supporting New Light Calvinism. Princeton university was started to produce "New Light" ministers as the established universities, including Harvard and Yale were hostile to enthusiasm. New Light Calvinism steadily gained adherents and after the American Revolution in 1776, New Light Calvinism seemed more appealing than ever to the spirit of "all men are created equal".
Fast forward to Charles Finney
Two prominent New Light Calvinists that condemned Finney for his revival techniques were Asahel Nettleton and Lyman Beecher. They did not complain about his theology because they too asked people to make a "decision for Christ" and counselled people in the Inquiry Room. They were upset by the so-called "new measures", divisive practices like asking people to make a public statement of repentance by coming forward and sitting on a "penitent bench" ( the forerunner of today's altar), referring to sinners by name from the pulpit, calling uncooperative ministers unregenerate and allowing women to pray in public. After Beecher himself was censured for his "New Light" theology, he eventually aligned with Finney in 1827, but Netteleton continued to condemn Finney's "new measures" till his death in 1844.
Nettleton was very much like Finney in his moral approach to inquirers and his effective use of after meetings and the Inquiry Room (please read the chapter Asahel Nettleton's New Light Calvinist Confusion - Making Preference Antecedent to Disposition). He was also like Finney in his reliance on the Holy Spirit to orchestrate events at meetings to bring conviction to sinners and saints alike. Nettleton was a key player in the shift in the meaning of a "decision for Christ" from being a legitimate pre-salvation step like the Puritan "duty of faith" to a moral decision of the will recognizing the abstract principles of the atonement.
Much slander has been leveled at Finney from Calvinists and Arminians as the reason for today's heresy decisional regeneration. The slander obscures the truth that Finney was one of many New Light Calvinists that asked people to "make a decision for Christ", but never told people they were saved because on anything they had done.
Much bigotry surrounds Finney because self-proclaimed Calvinists find Finney an easy target to condemn "decisionism". This bigotry is based on a lack on information and a popular myth that Finney was personally responsible for the implementation of "New Light" Calvinist ideas related to "making a decision for Christ". The following account of Charles Finney is recorded in the British Standard Newspaper of February 25, 1859. If you read it in its entirety, you will know more about Finney from an original source material that most people who decry "Finneyism".
"This distinguished servant of God, since his arrival
among us at the beginning of the year, has been earnestly
and successfully prosecuting his evangelistic
labour in the town of St. Ives, Huntingdonshire.
This county was favoured with a share of his labours
on the occasion of his last visit to England—ten years ago ; and it appears that we are mainly indebted for
his present visit to the persevering efforts of friends
in that part of the country to whom Mr. Finney's
ministrations had been then rendered savingly useful.
The fact is a very interesting and instructive one. It
was the hope that Mr. Finney would be instrumental
in the conversion of various individuals who were
spiritually cared for that induced a gentleman in that
county to secure his services in 1848. The result was
most satisfactory, and showed that the means used
were wise; all these individuals were hopefully converted
to God, and and found to this day, in connection
with various churches in the county, among the
most earnest and influential spirits in all religion and
philanthropic, movements. These individuals and
others, remembering their former baptism under Mr.
Pinner's ministry, and longing for another to themselves,
and to a yet wider circle of their friends here
and generally throughout the country, have been
instrumental in persuading Mr. Finney once more to
cross the Atlantic. Mr. Finney has himself cherished,
since his last sojourn in England, a very earnest
desire again to visit the British churches, and, now
that God's work goes on so successfully in the United
States, and ministers generally in that country are so
earnest in the work, he has thought that he might
now be spared for a season to lend his aid to England; and, as Mr. Finney has enlarged experience of
American revival work, and is consequently an authority
upon the subject, and as there is among our most
earnest ministers and churches in England a cautious
desire to see something of the kind among ourselves,
Mr. Finney's friends have said to him, "Now seems
the opportune occasion to pay us another visit—give
us information—remove, if possible, our prejudices
against revivals—unite with those of our churches
and ministers who are willing, in special efforts, to
reach our ungodly masses; and-what we think wrong
or imprudent in your mode of action we shall endeavour
to bear, and what we see worthy we shall endeavour
to imitate."
The town of St. Ives, which is the chief commercial
town in the county of Huntingdon, containing about
4,000 inhabitants, and the centre of a large number
of interesting country villages, has been selected as the
sphere of Mr. Finney's first effort It was considered
advisable by those who had the conduct of the effort
to make it as far as possible of a perfectly unsectarian
character, and so to shape it as to secure, without inconvenience,
the sympathy and co-operation of all
earnest Christian people. This catholicity of effort
has the hearty approval of Mr. Finney himself; and
no man is better able to conduct such an unsectarian
series of services. He seems to have no ecclesiastical
leanings, no sectarian bias. He is equally free and
hearty and at home with Churchmen and Dissenters,
with Calvinists and Arminians. His large heart seems
to say, " Grace be with all them that love our Lord
Jesus Christ." No sect need claim him, except it be
the sect of all who are zealously earnest for a higher
standard of Christian rectitude in the Church, and
the conversion of all sects of sinners to God. To
realize this Christian unanimity, the leading Dissenting
ministers and churches of the town were consulted.
Three of the largest chapels were at once offered for
Mr. Finney's services, which have been occupied on
several successive Sundays in rotation and a large
public room was secured for the week-night services,
which being apart from denominational connection,
formed a kind of neutral ground for united co-operation.
On Sundays the chapels where Mr. Finney
preached were crowded to overflowing; and on four
week evenings during four successive weeks, the large
room has been filled with attentive hearers and worshippers
of all classes. Four visible effects have
resulted from Mr. Finney's labours in this town.
First. Christians have been more visibly united.
The services on Sundays, but specially on week evenings,
have furnished occasions for Episcopalians, Independents,
Baptists, and Methodists to assemble in
each others' sanctuaries, and form united congregations
of worshippers. Brethren, who have been comparatively
estranged,'and who have regarded each other
through the jealous eyes of sectarian preferences, have
met, have sung the same hymns, have joined in the
same prayers, have heard each others' names, have been
introduced, have shaken hands, have mutually expressed
their convictions and sympathies, have formed
friendships, and now as they meet each other there is
an appropriate interchange of Christian salutation;
and thus the visible oneness of God's church has been
realized and seen, as has not been the case heretofore.
It has really been most refreshing to sing now out of "Watts," now out of " Rippon," now from the "Selection,"
and now from Wesley's Hymn-book ; and
to hear in prayer, by turns, the methodic Episcopalian,
the chaste Independent, the devout Baptist, and
the impulsive Methodist; and to see by this temporary
amalgamation the toning down of the more vehement
and boisterous, and, on the other hand, what
is, after all, more needful,—the wanning up of the
more tame and formal. The desire is now very general
that some means may be devised whereby this
mingling together of the denominations may be prolonged,
and that a more united Christian action may
be taken against a common and abounding godlessness.
A second effect produced by Mr. Finney's labours has been an increased spirit of prayer among religious. As soon as it was known that Mr. Finney would conduct a series of meetings, after the order described above, the ordinary week-evening services in the various chapels were changed into meetings for prayer, to seek the special blessing and direction of the Holy Spirit. While the preaching services have been going on, there have been union prayer-meetings every day at noon for men of business, every afternoon for females, conducted most efficiently by Mrs. Finney, who also labours in her department with a real equal to that of her husband, and again half-an hour before the commencement of the meeting in the evening, and very often after the preaching; while Mr. Finney adjourns to another room, to pray with, and suitably instruct, the inquirers. [Here is the all-important Inquiry Room work where Finney and others would diagnose and direct inquirers - there was never any presumption that a "decision for Christ" was saving faith and de facto regeneration.]
In addition to
pouring out of individual hearts, day and night, for
God's Spirit and blessing to descend upon the town.
In one of the neighbouring villages where Mr. Finney
partially laboured before going to St. Ives, prayer meetings
in cottages have been held nearly every evening,
conducted by mechanics, shepherds, and farm labourers,
and, in the absence of all preaching, have
been attended by most blessed effects, many taking
part in the exercises who had never done so before,
and not a few sinners, in the true spirit of the publican,
have been constrained to say tearfully, "God, be merciful
to me a sinner." Not only have we more prayer,
but what we have is of a better kind. The old roundabout
theological prayers are fast disappearing. The
prayers now, for the most part, are short, earnest, and
to the point.
A third effect produced by Mr. Finney's labours
has been a complete revolution in the experiences and
thinkings of professing Christians. Mr. Finney's
habit in his public teaching is to address himself, in
the first instance, to professors of religion. His special
aim is the elevation of the standard of piety and holiness
in the Church. He teaches that the lives of professing
Christians and their experiences constitute
the world's Bible, and that conversions are to
be expected only in proportion as Christian people
embody Christ's religion in living action. His
style of address is remarkable for its artless simplicity.
He assumes no airs, no sanctified tones, either before
God or men. He is as natural in prayer and preaching
as he is in common parlour conversation. His
teaching, so far as composition is concerned, is destitute
of every ornament; each sermon but amounts to
an extended yet thoroughly studied syllogism. Those
who are in the habit of going to places of worship to
listen to mere verbiage, — who desire only to have their
sensibilities affected, — who are fond of flowers and
perorations, or who come full of doubts and fears, —
generally the effects of disobedience, — to get comfort
and encouragement, or who expect the minister to
ring changes on certain crotchets, or go the round of a
narrow circle of theological beliefs, — had better not
attend Mr. Finney's ministry; if they do they may
rely upon it they will go away either dissatisfied with
themselves or very much dissatisfied with the preacher;
hence not a few go to hear him once and go away
charging him with all manner of heterodox opinions
which he does not hold, or wondering what it is all
about, and saying, Whence is this man's popularity?
To appreciate Mr. Finney's preaching a man must
think, — patiently think. He must expect to be confounded
and staggered, and be made to doubt alternately
of himself and of the preacher's orthodoxy. He
must take counsel with his own conscience, sound
reason, and portions of Holy Scripture which he has
heretofore misunderstood or perhaps altogether overlooked.
Mr. Finney in the pulpit very much resembles
the professor in the lecture-room; he introduces
mental and moral philosophy as freely as he does
theology. He obviously believes in man's moral
nature, moral government, and the teachings of the
Bible. He takes his stand on these great facts, and
bears down upon the understandings and consciences
of his, hearers with a force and majesty, and yet with
a kindliness of tone and feeling, which few are able to
resist. His teaching is a blending of Paul's logic and
John's love. Some of his sermons to professing
Christians are awfully searching. He is a perfect
moral anatomist. He seems to lay bare the secrets of
every heart, and discovers sin even in the purest souls.
Antinomianism, formalism, sentimentalism, and every
other gilded form of error, come alike and in turn
under his stern reproof, and very few dare believe in
his presence that they are altogether free from some
perversion of the truth. During his meetings in the
town he has taken professors of religion through such
a course of self-examination, — not by any means offensively,— as has revealed to many of their consciences
the existence of an amount of sinfulness and inconsistency
that may well make them tremble, and which
accounts for, though it by no means exculpates, the
indifference and infidelity of the ungodly. The religious
people who have attended his lectures have been
greatly humbled. Some of them think they have
been self-deceivers throughout ; others now know that
they have been awfully lukewarm; not a few have
received such an amount of instruction as has rendered
clear and intelligible what was before to them
obscure and mystified ; others, again, have been reclaimed
from errors which were sapping the foundations
of their own faith and that of others ; and all of
them are made to feel that they must begin again, and
that henceforth their religion must be of a more practical
character, and that their lives must be much
more in harmony with the life and teachings of the
Lord Jesus.
It is marvelous how soon Mr. Finney schools a
congregation into an appreciation of his style of teaching.
At the commencement of these meetings many
heard him with impatience, and had quite enough of
him in one sermon, and not unfrequently persons
would rise and walk out in the middle of the discourse
with unmistakable dissatisfaction ; but as the meetings
progressed, the less thoughtful dropped off, but the
more considerate became completely mesmerized, and
the whole congregation would listen to a discourse an
hour and a half long sometimes, — in many parts dry
and abstruse, — with rapt attention, the greater part
returning the following evening for a similar mental
Mr. Finney"s theological beliefs are evidently of the
type of true evangelical orthodoxy. This is most
obvious to those who hear him on a series of subjects.
His object in preaching, however, is not so much to
state and defend a system of doctrine as to convert
sinners to God. He assumes in all his sermons the
great and essential elements of the Gospel salvation.
It is particularly refreshing to hear him upon the
philosophy of the atonement in connection with moral
government. His convictions on this subject are of
the most positive character, and so expressed as to
convince any honest inquirer, and utterly to confound,
we think, those whose views upon this great point are,
to say the least of it, somewhat suspicious. As to his
belief of the influence of the Holy Spirit in conversion,
we think we never saw or heard a minister more
anointed with this Divine unction. Mr. Finney, in
his prayers, seems to plead with a Pentecostal earnestness
for this baptism of power and the Holy Ghost;
and, in preaching, his prayers really seem to be Pentecostally
answered. As you listen to him, and look
at him, and watch him narrowly, whether in public or
in private, you are constrained to say of him what
was said of Barnabas, " He is a good man and full of the Holy Ghost and faith"
Mr. Finney lives, and moves, and has his spiritual, and moral, and preaching being in the Holy Ghost. As a matter of practical conviction, we are persuaded never man was more orthodox on this all-important subject of Divine influence; and, as we feel the obvious presence of that Spirit's influence in connection with his ministry, we are led to fear that many who have a creed-faith in the doctrine of Divine influence are sadly lacking of the personal anointing of this " Power from on High." Mr. Finney, being an American, and and having been educated for the bar, has his own way of stating his convictions of Christian doctrines generally, which, when understood, are found to harmonize with the essential beliefs of the household of faith.
A fourth effect produced has been the conversion to
few of the undecided. Several of all
ages, and belonging to various classes in society, who
have been under a lengthened process of religious
teaching by their own pastors, have been induced, we
trust with their whole heart, to commence God's service.
A very large number of persons have had individual
intercourse with Mr. Finney as inquirers
after saving truth, and the general impression upon
members of the different congregations has been
solemn and salutary. Beyond all question, to say
nothing of the conversion of sinners, an incalculable
measure of good has been effected, an impetus has
been given to religious zeal and effort, which requires
but to be well organized and judiciously directed by
the ministers of the town in order to produce yet
higher and happier results. In connection with all
these proceedings there has been no undue and improper
excitement, no clamour, no boisterousness, no
mere exciting of the feelings ; in fact, those who are
influenced alone by the excitement of the feelings have
been left untouched by these efforts, and probably, in
the estimation of such, the whole thing has been too
dry and technical Mr. Finney goes shortly, we
understand, to labour in the Bev. J. Harcourt's
chapel, Borough-road, London, and it is earnestly
hoped that he may then return to Huntingdonshire,
as he has already excited an interest in almost every
town and village in the county, and is earnestly importuned
so to do by the ministers and churches generally.
We hope this success in St. Ives will be but
like the few drops before the teeming shower, and that
wherever this man of God may be called to labour it
may be in the fullness of the blessing of the Gospel of
peace. It is proper to state that the Rev's. J. K.
Holland and J. Hart (Independent), T. W. Williams
(Baptist), E. Roe (Methodist), and several other ministers
in the neighborhood, have more or less earnestly
assisted Mr. Finney in this combined Christian movement.
Mr. Finney, we understand, is to be sustained
pecuniarily by subscriptions from any parties who sympathize
with this evangelistic mode of action, and by
the contributions of those among whom he labours."
GO TO: Chapter 2 - The Enquiry Room By George Soltau
Chapter 9- The Singular Importance of Regeneration in Salvation Theology |